A college education is the most important things to have for our future. As a young adult we don’t have many opportunities to invest our money so our education is the best investment that we can do for our selves, and our parents and friends are proud of us for getting a college education and making something of our selves. The best of all, our parents don’t have to pay for our bills anymore and not live under their roof! For other people college is just another step in life and they don’t even have to worry about paying for school because daddy can pay for everything! But for some of us school becomes our hope; hope of one day being able to help our parents for working double shifts to pay for their kid’s school education. Not too long ago a college education wasn’t too bad, money wise, but now it’s extremely expensive! Especially for someone like me, when I have to pay for my own education and with tuition fee going sky high! It’s ridiculous and I’m extremely glad with the government stepping up for once and putting a cap on the tuitions! We are paying $1.500 more since 2003 and the number was just rolling up. In a market place that rarely takes someone without an education, it sure is getting harder to get one. It is good to have a cap such as the one being talked about right now so that universities don’t just start spending money in areas that aren’t necessary. Especially with the economy the way it is now. This is not the time to start building better rec centers or give raises. This is the time to take the money that is coming in at the moment and put it to good use in the areas that really need it.
Is the Right way the Wrong way?
15 years ago